Vincent van der Meulen

Vincent van der Meulen

Design Engineer in New York, He/him


Design & code.

Work Experience

2023 — Now
2022 — 2023
2021 — 2022
Design Engineer at Uber
Seattle, WA

Made Figma plugins to help Uber designers create designs faster (some AI-based) and tools/processes to manage the company's design system. Also prototyped new navigation experiences.

2019 — 2021
Product Designer at Facebook
Seattle, WA

Designed Facebook/Instagram commerce features for brands like Sephora. Ultimately switched to FB AI and designed systems for monitoring the quality and integrity of machine learning data.

Moonlit as a prototyper and motion designer for the Facebook Business vision, and created Figma plugins.

2018 — 2018
Backend Development TA at University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Taught students how to create a Slack-like chat app with a microservice architecture using JavaScript, Go, SQL/NoSQL, RabbitMQ, and Docker. Gave weekly lectures, made rubrics, and graded homework.

2018 — 2018
Product Design Intern at Facebook
Menlo Park, CA

Came up with a new taxonomy for ad formats that shipped to production and redesigned the format selector. On the side, explored a color linter Sketch plugin and components for Framer X.

2017 — 2017
UX Design Intern at Amazon
Seattle, WA

Proposed a loyalty program for Amazon Trade-in by working through the strategy and pricing, and designed/prototyped the experience.

2016 — 2017
UX Student Designer at University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Designed and implemented numerous products/features for the 46,000 UW students, like a way to check the status of your transit card.

2016 — 2016
Product Designer at Get There
Leek, the Netherlands

Led the redesign of the company's website in four weeks.

Side Projects

Terminal for Figma

Imagined what it'd look like if Figma had a terminal.

Figma spell check

Built a Figma spell checker that runs 100% locally. Used by hundreds of Facebook designers.

Transit navigation

Prototyped a better transit navigation experience using Framer.


Asked some of the best designers in the world for book recommendations and compiled the results. Product Hunt #1 Product of the Day.

SpaceX Hyperloop competition

Led UI design/development for a cold gas thruster controlled pod. Became the #1 U.S. team and won the Innovation Award.

Space X video (interface at 1:10):…

Home Sound System

Made a $75 Sonos alternative using Raspberry Pis, Go, and JS.

DubHacks 2017

Organized and did design/development for the PNW's largest collegiate hackathon.

Similar Details

Created a tool that recommends Design Details episodes. Did the project once in 2017 (CLI) and another time in 2020 (website).

Featured on the Design Details podcast.


More side projects on Twitter ( and my old website (



Yuki and I explain how to create a ride sharing app in Framer.

Prototype Anything at Framer Seattle meetup
Seattle, WA

A talk about how I pushed Framer's limits for a year.



A piece about our capstone that won the best in-class award: mission control for air ambulance Airlift Northwest


I was young and naive but at least the title is funny.


2015 — 2019
Bachelor of Science in Informatics at University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Studied a mix of computer science, product design, and data science. 3.82/4.00 GPA (cum laude).

